As I started my way into my pregnancy I always said I was going to breastfeed. My sisters encouraged me, Peyton encouraged me, everyone seemed to tell me how great it was. I, like most new moms didn't really think much of it I just knew I would do it. I will say that I wasn't properly warned about the beginning. Or maybe I was I just didn't listen because I tend to do that from time to time. I had thought that Jax would come out and just know what to do and it wouldn't be an issue. Well I was WRONG. breastfeeding is something that needs to be taught to your child. It is their first lesson and it is a beautiful one, but of course once you get past the hurdles. When Jax came out my midwife handed him to Peyton who then handed him to me and I immediately started to try to nurse him. He wouldn't latch on my left breast but had a little bit better of a time on my right but still it was hard for him. Babies are born with the sucking reflex but nursing is oh so much more that just sucking. It is a combination of the baby pressing his tounge and swallowing and breathing, rather difficult for a little guy who just got "evicted" from his womb. In the days following the first day Jax was really having a hard time sucking and he wasn't latching onto my left breast. Some wonderful nurses helped me get to where he would so I was able to nurse on both which is important for the milk supply to come in. So with not a lot of sleep and still very tired from labor the weeks to follow were tough! I became very engouraged and tender for anything to touch them,even water. I had a crack that was about a half an inch long and about an eighth of an inch wide and I still had to continue to nurse on it so my milk supply would build. Jax and I pretty much lived on the recliner for his first 4 weeks of life. I was so exauhsted and hormonal, and hurting, I remember thinking why would ANYONE want to breastfeed. I almost threw in the towel but then my sister, Katee, said something so simple yet so profound she said "Marical it "will heal, just keep going". That was exactly what I needed to hear. I just had to take it a day at a time and tell myself there wasn't another option to feed my child and that this way was best. So I just kept "chugging" along. Now, even though I had such a rough start I am so enthusiastic about breastfeeding and happy that I started the journey. So fair warning to new moms the beginning is hard but please trust me in knowing it is sooooo worth it ! The feeling I get when I find out my baby boy has gained a few ounces or I see a new roll on him, or see his chubby cheeks filling out, I feel so accomplished knowing I did that for my son. The picture that follows is a very intimate one I hope helps you decide to breastfeed. This was right after birth Jax nursing for the first time. This is one of my favorites to see him holding my finger and nursing is breathtaking for me!
Friday, July 17, 2015
Thursday, July 2, 2015
All Natural
Have you ever thought about it? I mean really thought about the nature of breastfeeding? If it wasn't a woman purpose to breastfeed her child why on Earth would God give us the amazing ability to make milk? Every mammal feeds their offspring with milk. Why not the common design for humans as well? God's beautiful design for mothers to nurture their child was proof enough for me to start. I just don't quite understand why not to be honest. I mean, I know that in the beginning it is tough to get through the rawness of the breast, the engorgement, the cracks, but really truly if you just hang on through it all, it will be so worth it. Jax is 3 months old now and has only had breast milk. He nurses about every two hours unless he is hurting somehow then its more often. I absolutely love when he is crying and I know that I have a cure all method to help my baby boy. I read an article the other day that was sent to me by my sister that said that babies don't just need their moms breast for food, they need it for comfort. My baby isn't just crying for food he is crying for his mama. Think about it, he just spent the last nine months inside of me with everything he ever needed, not experiencing pain, or fright so of course he would need that comfort from his mama and that is something no formula could do. "Attachment parenting" is what I heard it called and that is exactly right. Everything is new to Jax he NEEDS that comfort knowing that mommy will still fill his every need. I guess is his first sense of "comfort food" ;). Some say "oh what about the dad?" "doesn't he need to feed him?" I believe dads have a different role. Yes, Jax needs his daddy, but daddy is to show him how to be a man, how to be strong and provide, daddy is for rough and tough fun, mommy is for snuggles and sweet time. I know not all agree and that is perfectly fine. As for me and my family we believe that this is best. I used to worry about what others said, and if they saw my breast that I would be embarrassed. I would nurse Jax with a cover or even in the public restroom at the library once (YUCK!) But nooooo more Jax gets too hot under a cover and I do not want him all sweaty while trying to enjoy his meal. So I just do it as I please. If I get a complaint bring it on cause I do not care. I will fulfill my child's need even if someone doesn't feel its right, because they cannot do a dag gum thing to me. The law is on my side. Now don't get me wrong I don't just "whip it out" for all to see in all its glory, I keep my shirt over my breast and Jax covers up the rest of it as he is nursing. I am discrete and I certainly don't have a flashing sign above my head saying "Hey boobs over here". I would hate for a little child to see my breast and be traumatized but believe you me, if a grown adult has an issue I encourage them to keep on a keeping on. If you are breastfeeding or thinking about breastfeeding but don't quite know how to worry about feeding publicly, I say don't worry about it! Does a mother cow cover herself while nursing her calf ? Nooooo, so don't worry about it. Remember it is all natural and there is nothing that should stand in your way for fulfilling your child's needs. Of course like me you might have to come to terms of nursing like that all on your own, but once you stop worrying about everyone else it becomes a whole lot easier!
Who Am I?
I never thought I would ever be the type to blog but if I can help just one person I would say it is worth it. Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Marical (pronounced like Miracle) I am No one special just a new mommy whose goal is to make sure her son grows up the best way possible. A year ago I was a security officer just chomping at the bit for an opportunity to be a police officer, I have always wanted to be a cop to make a real difference in someone's life. When I found out I was pregnant by my high school sweetheart I was nervous about my dream and how I could still make it work, but just knew I would still do it no matter what. I was hard headed (still am at times) about what all I wanted. Then on March 23, 2015 at 9:34 am I then realized that my life would no longer be about me it was about this precious baby boy that had just made his way out of my belly and into my arms. I was as my sister would say "smitten" by him. I knew that everything had changed. I went from worrying about getting the weight off as quickly as unhumanly possible so I could hurry and get into academy, to making sure baby Jax felt safe, secure, and loved in this all too new of a world. I made the choice to breastfeed my son with the encouragement from my two older sisters and my wonderful fiancé. I will be honest if it wasn't for them I would have quit on week two, but boy am I glad I didn't. This blog is simply to help new moms and their choice to breastfeed or formula feed. (you obviously know which one I am partial to). The decision to breastfeed is beautiful, and will help your baby immensely, because as all new mommies know and learn that it is no longer about them, it is about the two of you. Oh and lets not forget about the adult children too. Yes, I am talking about the spouse. Peyton is a wonderful dad and happens to be the best partner in crime a girl could ever want, but lets admit it ladies, between balancing a new child, breastfeeding, and keeping up a healthy relationship with your spouse, it can be a bit challenge. That's why I made this blog; to help new mommies, to share funny stories, and of course to get as many mama's breastfeeding as I can.
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